Bill Jonas on Sun, 9 Jan 2000 23:06:55 -0500 (EST)

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[PLUG] Perl resources

Okay, I've got the Camel book, but right now I'm getting bogged down at the
beginning of chapter 2 (where they delve into the details first and then
(presumably) bring it together with an overview a bit later).  Can anybody
recommend any resources on the web for getting started?  If it's necessary,
I might get the Llama book, but I'd prefer free (as in beer) first.  BTW,
Nathan, I'll be scrutinizing your code in that dlkern script you wrote.  :)


"Because they know that all they sold you was a guaranteed POS!  Look, if
you want me to take a dump in a box and mark it 'guaranteed', I will.  I got
spare time."
 -Chris Farley (on Microsoft?), _Tommy Boy_

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