darxus on Wed, 10 May 2000 16:51:32 -0400 (EDT)

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Re: [PLUG] inconveniently broke a sun box

Thanks for your input.  I finished my paperwork stuff, and came into

I'll explain more of the problem.  I installed the sparc bash package.  
That puts bash at /usr/local/bin/bash.  I changed all the users shells
(including root) to /usr/local/bin/bash.  I moved /usr/local to
/export/home, and simlinked it back.  I copied /usr/local/bin/bash to
/bin, with the intention of changing all the users shells to /bin/bash.  
I forgot about it.  The box was rebooted.  An empty directory is being
automounted on top of /export/home.  So basically, /usr/local doesn't
exist.  So none of the users' shells exist.  That's bad.

I remembered I'd created a temporary account & didn't change its shell, so
it was still /bin/sh.  I logged in.  Fought with su for quite a while.  
Could not convince the freaking thing to do anything without attempting
(and failing) to load /usr/local/bin/bash (as specified by /etc/passwd,
which is all it cares about).

I have the pizza box on my lap right now.  I'm going to try building
readwrite ufs support into a linux kernel and mounting the drive in it.

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