Bill Jonas on Mon, 31 Jul 2000 12:24:50 -0400 (EDT)

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Re: [PLUG] 2.4 Kernal

On Mon, 31 Jul 2000 wrote:

>Not sure there... but I did hear that several people are using the final 
>testing version of it and it works great.  Any thoughts all?

Well, I've tried compiling it on one of the latest Debian potato
releases.  I was compiling it with the Debian kernel-package package
(make-kpkg), and it bombs immediately after starting 'make bzImage' (I
did it by hand to see where the problem was).  This was with both test4
and test5; I haven't tried any earlier versions.

But I have a feeling (from the 'make menconfig') that it would be really
really great, if it compiled.  :)  (I haven't taken the time to try to
chase down whatever's causing it to fail.)

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