aab on Tue, 5 Sep 2000 14:21:28 -0400 (EDT)

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[PLUG] Something "Stickies" like ?

Ok ... I've had my machine crash (power flucs) two times in the last six
months and while I know it's not a big deal to some, I use Unix flavors
because they're a rock-solid OS (in general) and I can leave my machines
running for months without rebooting, etc.

Now, instead of changing my bad habits of not saving files, working from
the /tmp directory, etc. I would like to find an X application that will
allow me to do post-it notes and periodically save all of the notes, the
contents/position/etc., automatically.  I know the MacOS Stickies app is
setup this way, but I just tried Xpostit+ and it doesn't have the saving
feature that I want.  Anyone have any recommendations?

Web-based might be an option, but my browser crashes too frequently so I
would prefer something that is a standalone application at this point.



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