beldon on Wed, 31 Jan 2001 10:27:07 -0500

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[PLUG] One frome the road

Hey there, fellow campers.  I'm writing from Linux World Expo in NYC at the moment (e-mail garden in the .org pavillion).  These VA Linux workstations are pretty kewl.  My birthday's May 5th for anyone who wants to buy me one (or a laptop-- that would be nice too).

Yesterdays tutorials were pretty good.  I went to "Administering Production Linux Systems" given by Aeleen Frisch (author of "essential System Administration" on O'Reilly.  It was pretty good.  Spent a lot of time on Journaling filesystems, GFS, and the like.  Lots of info in a short amount of time.

The afternoon session was on Samba given by Jerry Carter from VA Linux systems (and a member of the SAMBA team).  Also a ton of info in a short time, but good info.  Talked a lot about the various stupidities and inconsistencies in Windows networking and all.  All told, a good show.

We've just been let in to the exhibitors (enhibitionists?) hall and it's huge.  The show this year takes up all the Javits Center floor space on the main level (last year it took about half).

(What is a hibitor and why are there so many former ones here?)

Anyways, I'll be posting more news and probably more stupid puns later.

Until then, your humble and obedient--


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