Jason Wertz on Fri, 11 May 2001 15:30:45 -0400

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[PLUG] Modprobe vs. Insmod

I was swtiching my ethernet driver from the eepro100 to the e100 because of the eepro100's wierdness in handling dual nics correctly on my SMP machine. In doing so I shutdown my networking services, rmmod the eepro100, insmod the e100 (also changed /etc/conf.modules) restarted the networking services and noticed I still had the same weird problem (even though the new driver was loaded and the NICs were up and running) In general, the original issue was that you couldn't bring the NICs down under the eepro100 module and the driver was confusing the cards (long story).

I repeated the steps above several times and then used modprobe instead of insmod to load the e100 module and all now seems to work as it should. Question is, what is the difference between insmod and modprobe that would explain these oddities? The man pages didn't seem to be very revealing (although its late on Friday and that may have to do w/ my inability to process them).


Jason Wertz
Instructional Technology Specialist / WebMaster
Delaware County Community College

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