gabriel rosenkoetter on Fri, 25 Jan 2002 06:30:18 +0100

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Re: [PLUG] EXT2-fs error

On Fri, Jan 25, 2002 at 12:14:05AM -0500, Samantha Samuel wrote:
> I compiled the Linux kernel 2.4.17 about 2 weeks ago. I noticed all kinds
> of odd things happening, and I am wondering if someone can help.

Did you preserve your old kernel? Have you tried going back to it?
Do the problems persist?

> EXT2-fs error (device ide0(3,6)): ext2_check_page: bad entry in directory
> #389387: rec_len is smaller than minimal - offset=0, inode=0, rec_len=0,
> name_len=0

Are you sure this isn't a hardware error?

Also, are you sure you're not trying to mount an ext2fs partition
as ext3fs?

> Also I thought I would try out netbsd and I managed to install it, but
> after booting into linux, one of my user's account was completely hosed.
> There was no trace of it. Then the linux partition was fscked twice,
> before I was able to get back to normal without that one user.

Not sure what part of that has to do with NetBSD, but I'm glad to
help with any NetBSD problems you're having.

Is it possible that this is a problem with having updated your
kernel idea of file system stuff but not fsck's?

> When I did a search on google for this prob I noticed that 2.0.27
> (among other kernels - 2.4.2?) also had the same prob, but I was not finding
> a solution for fixing it.

Could you point to some of the references you found? (It might help
us understand what's going on here.)

gabriel rosenkoetter

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