Leonard Rosenthol on Thu, 4 Jul 2002 11:12:59 -0400

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RE: [PLUG] Pascal?

At 11:12 PM -0400 7/3/02, Noah Silva wrote:
Very little for C++ (it's just broken! use Objective C!),

Don't get me started on Objective C - it's just WAY TOO WEIRD and needs to be updated to the 1990's (let alone 2000)...

 and Java I would like if it could compile Java language
to Binary native code.

You can - there are companies that offer Java native compilers.

Note that java stole a LOT from object pascal.

And why not....

LDR -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Leonard Rosenthol <mailto:leonardr@lazerware.com> <http://www.lazerware.com>

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