M. Jackson Wilkinson on Thu, 22 Aug 2002 21:30:15 +0200

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Re: [PLUG] If you're buying me a Christmas gift...

Rahul Karnik wrote:
Frankly, what I would really like to see is something that weighs about 3 lb but has a 14" TFT screen. Perhaps it is physically impossible. Seems like currently most lightweight models have 12"/13" TFTs (like the Omnibook 500 I have), and most models with 14"/15" TFTs (so called desktop replacements) weigh in the 7-8 lb range.

I hear that this product would solve all of your problems:



M. Jackson Wilkinson <jackw@jounce.net>
Education Technology Center - Bowdoin College
Emergencies: (207) 841-9103

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