Walt Mankowski on Thu, 5 Dec 2002 00:00:06 -0500

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[PLUG] [trockij@transmeta.com: mon talk at philadelphia perl mongers, 9-dec-2002]

As promised, here's Jim's announcement of his talk at phl.pm Monday
night.  I'll add that we usually go out to dinner somewhere in
University City afterwards.  I hope some of you can make it.


----- Forwarded message from Jim Trocki <trockij@transmeta.com> -----

Date: Mon, 2 Dec 2002 15:12:44 -0800 (PST)
From: Jim Trocki <trockij@transmeta.com>
To: mon mailing list <mon@linux.kernel.org>
Subject: mon talk at philadelphia perl mongers, 9-dec-2002

on monday, 9-dec 19:00 i'll be giving a talk about mon at this month's
philadelphia perl mongers meeting. if you're interested in learning
more about mon, or if you'd like to badger me about merging some patches
you've sent since the last release, you're welcome to come pay a visit,
meet some people, and otherwise participate.

meetings are held at ISI on 3501 market street, philadelphia, pa.
maps and other information about phl.pm can be found here:


hope to see you there. thanks to walt mankowski for scheduling the event.

Jim Trocki <trockij@transmeta.com>
Computer System and Network Engineer
Transmeta Corporation
Santa Clara, CA

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