Fred K Ollinger on Fri, 3 Jan 2003 11:58:11 -0500

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Re: [PLUG] Debian install

> I've been listening to all the good things about Debian so I am now trying to
> install it.  For some reason I am hung up:
> _X11TransSocketUNIXConnect: Can't connect: error111
> keeps repeating in batches over and over again.  Does this look like something
> simple to anyone?
> I am attempting an install of Debian Linux 2.2 r 7 from .iso files burned onto

How did you configure X? In potato, they had an old crappy utility called
Xsetup (or something). It was ok, but a big pain.

Better to get woody (debian 3.0) as it is similarly stable, but it has
XFree86-4. This is much better.

You can do

X -configure

and it will spit out a configfile. Test it (it tells you how), then move
it to /etc/X11/XF86Config-4, and try to start X as root. If this works,
then install something like gdm or kdm:

apt-get install gdm


apt-get install kdm

If you had a previous redhat or mandrake install, just copy the
XF86Config-4 from them. It works great.

Also, knoppix can help a lot.

Generally, I boot knoppix to get hardware support then I copy it over:

I copy lsmod to /etc/modules (you need to cut it down to the modules
only). I usually remove some modules as well to only the devices I want
modules loaded for. I comment out all the usb stuff, for example as I
don't use that, and I don't want it.

and I copy the /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 from the knoppix install to /etc/ on
my hard drive.

For networking, edit /etc/network/interfaces.

Feel free to ask any other questions about my favorite distro. :)


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