Adam Turoff on Tue, 11 Mar 2003 18:27:05 -0500

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Re: [PLUG] [OT] Archos Jukebox

On Tue, Mar 11, 2003 at 05:56:52PM -0500, John Lavin wrote:
> I'm considering buying a Archos Jukebox - the one with a 20 gig
> harddrive.
> Does anyone have any experience with this?

I met someone this weekend who has one, and they were so frustrated with
it, they went out and got an iPod as a replacement.  Among the problems 
I remember them saying were
  - there was a driver problem with the Mac; they couldn't download
    music to the device, but could use it as a USB hard drive or more
    likely as an expensive brick.
  - the (hardware) interface was difficult to understand; for a
    piece of consumer electronics, this is a *bad*.
  - when I looked at it, it seemed to crash when I tried to turn it on.

I thought about buying one before the 20GB iPods came out.  
Now, I'm glad I didn't.  (For the record, I haven't bought anything
in terms of an MP3 player yet, and I'd like to hear Apple improve the
battery life/memory on the iPod first...)


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