Paul on Sat, 12 Jul 2003 12:41:05 -0400

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Re: [PLUG] The Next Step? -- was Community Service Project (Devil's advocate)

Arthur S. Alexion wrote:

Stories of kids would work well, but PLUG, Jr. will be a great selling point. Donors, like the Pew Trusts, want to see a viable plan (open source) and a long term committment from us (PLUG, Jr.), before they chip in.

A presentation has to balance the hard facts (we know what we are undertaking) with the warm and fuzzy (why these kids deserve it), and it helps to show that the corporate community will benefit from better prepared future employees.

Better future employees and/or less criminals?

As Magnus pointed out, becoming an official non-profit organization might be important. That sounds like a lot of effort to go through for one LUG. Since other LUGs seem to come up with similarly great ideas, what if a multi-LUG non-profit were formed?

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