FloydLJohnsonIII on 10 May 2004 14:28:02 -0000

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[PLUG] seeks a career clue (please don't flame)

(The last time I asked a question of that matter, I wandered into a flame war.)

What IT skills are marketable in your purview (life after "those guys in Redmond finally got it right")?

I'm an old hand at C, having trained on SunOS circa 1990 and professionally used Visual C++. On the job, I showed I could switch-hit by porting a BOOTP server.

By 2002, I found that the market sought old hands at Java and/or VB. As such, I was caught unprepared. 

The question is this: What skills, as far as you know, are most sought by those seeking to fill IT jobs? The idea is to catch up to the market and find a way to pass it. ("Get competitive again, then get ahead.")
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