plug on 12 Jan 2005 23:06:32 -0000

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RE: [PLUG] Looking for a good open source CRM

On Wed, 12 Jan 2005 15:58:50 -0500, "ChrisB." <>
> I have had first hand experience with the "Request Tracker" software
> found
> here:

I'll second the RT recommendation. I did a fairly thorough survey of
open-source request tracking options at my last job and RT was what we
settled on.

It's easy enough to get a basic configuration going, and out of the box
it already provides quite good functionality, but it's also fairly
straightforward to reconfigure once you understand how it works.

It's written in Perl, specifically HTML::Mason, so you can add features
and reconfigure it as you like.

It also has an integrated FAQ, RTFM, which can even be Wiki-fied to some
extent (we didn't use this extensively, but the function is there).

The only problem I found when I was working with it is that the
developer documentation of the system architecture, i.e. what you need
to really get into customizing it, is fairly thin. I struggled a bit to
figure out how it worked when I got into making more complex changes. I
was also learning HTML::Mason at the same time, which made it harder.

That said, I thought it was a great product. And, if you need help
setting it up, Best Practical make their money selling consulting
services for RT.

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