Chad Vogelsong on 6 Jun 2007 04:12:49 -0000

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[PLUG] vehicle repair software


I'm looking for some software to manage the maintenance of my car(s). I'm looking for something that can:

1. Manage multiple cars (at least up to 5-10. i don't run a shop or anything.)
2. Has some reporting features (what PM is due when? vehicle service history? cost of all services last year? etc.)
3. Can input my own maint. operations (i.e. time to add gas additive) that aren't "normal" PM operations.
4. I would prefer OSS software, but as long as it runs on Linux or is web based, it's OK.

I've been using Car Companion ( ) for about 1.5 years now, and it does OK. It's an OSS Java thick client app that works on OSX, Windows & Linux. It's pretty good software and fills most of my needs/wants. However, the last release was August 2005, so I think the guy has stopped development.

The only other one I could find was Vehicle Service Tracker ( However, VST hardly has any of the features that Car Companion has.

Does anybody on this list use software to manage the repairs on their vehicles? What do you use and why?


Chad Vogelsong

Tel: +1 267 646 0202

Skype: 	cvogelsong
Gizmo:	psudilbert
SIP #: 	+1 747 101 2570
Yahoo:	psudilbert

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