Mike Leone on 12 Nov 2007 01:34:03 -0000

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Re: [PLUG] OT? Chumby

Art Alexion wrote:
> On Friday, 09 November 2007 16:29, James Barrett wrote:
>> Additionally, their license agreement forbids modifying a chumby in ways
>> which hamper its connection to the chumby servers or in any way hamper
>> other chumbys from connecting to your chumby.  I would suppose that
>> whatever you happen to put onto your chumby _will_ become public in some
>> way, shape or form (granted that you don't break their agreement).  Oh, and
>> if you hack the chumby, you void its warrantee.
> I think the concept of licensing something you sell rather than lease is a 
> bizarre one.  Can you think of any tangible thing that you bought where you 
> are prohibited from doing whatever you want to it, including setting it on 
> fire if so disposed?

Ah, that's because you only *think* you are buying it. In reality, you
are leasing it from it's rightful owner (the creator of the product),
and he/she/it can limit you in any way they please (they own it, after
all, not YOU).

Only very slightly facetiously
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