Eugene Smiley on 10 Dec 2007 23:35:16 -0000

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Re: [PLUG] Full Time Linux/Infrastructure Systems Administrators (Midrange & Senior)

> [No, I am not interested in the position you posted; I just meant in general.]

You ASSUME that I posted the position. I did NOT. I am a longtime PLUG member who, if you recall one of my recent posts, just moved to Ft. Lauderdale. ;)

I'm arguing the point that it's probably NOT spam and that your reaction is unwarranted. As for "'bots subscribed to mailing lists" I know that MCT has in place controls to prevent/reduce on-list spam. It just makes no sense for it to be spam. Calm down. Take a deep breath. Count to ten.

It's better to assume the good in people than the bad. Assume the bad and you'll make enemies. Assume the good and you'll simply delete a message that you'd have deleted anyway.

K.S. Bhaskar wrote:
Eugene --

There are 'bots subscribed to mailing lists.  A legitimate OT e-mail
message has a human being standing behind it who can have complaints
and protests sent his/her way.  If you want to post from a throwaway
e-mail address, it would be courteous to precede it or follow it with
an e-mail with your identity.  I for one would be more likely to
respond positively.
-- Bhaskar

On Dec 10, 2007 5:40 PM, Eugene Smiley <> wrote:
K.S. Bhaskar wrote:
To whoever sent this e-mail, I would appreciate it if you would
identify yourself.  Otherwise it counts as spam in my book.

-- Bhaskar
Why? We have jobs posted on the PLUG list all the time. The job position
entirely on topic and it's local to PLUG. Just because it's sent from a
'throwaway' email address doesn't make it spam.

</me votes not-spam. yet.>
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