edmond rodriguez on 16 Feb 2009 12:44:05 -0800

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[PLUG] ATI graphics , side by side monitors, etc

There was some correspondence about a month ago and graphics on Linux and side by side monitors and issues.  

I had gotten my side by side monitor to work once (with a TV) but could never get it to work again.

went to the ATI site to look and see if my drivers were updated for my
graphics chip, and they had new ones posted just a day or two earlier
than when I looked.  The updates seem to have fixed many problems.  I
was a little surprised since my machine is a few years old now, and I
figured the chip may be in the past.

I just thought I would
mention it since I participated in some of the earlier chatter about
the topic of side by side monitors.  

Edmond Rodriguez

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