John Karr on 10 Jun 2011 00:15:04 -0700

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Re: [PLUG] Security Cameras

The dog barks because he's scared. He is an abused dog they rescued, and the owners don't have a strong discipline regimen. Unless the owners really lay down firm rules this dog won't ever stop barking. I believe the dog would be happier and more secure if they did train it properly. I'm buying the device Matt suggested and attempting to take it out of their hands. If this fails I will return to evidence collection.
My roommate found a professional to consult on bird remediation. He does things like put fountains in their areas with additives that they don't like, identifies perching points and makes them unusable. If I could just give my  cat wings it would be much easier.

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of jeff
Sent: Friday, June 10, 2011 12:03 AM
To: Philadelphia Linux User's Group Discussion List
Subject: Re: [PLUG] Security Cameras

To solve both of your problems, I refer to my Main Motto<tm>:  there is no problem so large or small that it can't be solved with C-4.

Dog: in order to work on the issue, you have to think like a dog. 
There's a reason he's barking.  Find out what the issue is and you've gone a long way toward fixing the problem.  Dogs don't obey legal actions.

My dog barks at the neighbor's house too, but it's only because he has trained them to feed him on command.  He's very bright that way.

Birds: Is one of the birds spray-painting dirty words on your car? 
Because unless you get video of this (and crosspost here and YouTube), 
you're not going to get much in the way of legal action (my opinion).

Good luck.

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