Art Clemons on 23 Feb 2014 21:37:56 -0800

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Re: [PLUG] BUTT being a pain in the...

On February 23, 2014 8:26:18 PM EST, Adam Zion <> wrote:
I just gave up on trying to find out which niggling little bit was making my audio streams crash constantly in Second Life, and reimaged my System76 box w/Ubuntu 13.10. It was time anyhow, having been at least 2 years since the last time I rebuilt the system. And, w/my roll-my-own NAS sitting next to the system, zippie doo lost if I trash the whole system.

Sadly, it's now being a real bitch to me, and refusing to run the HTTP stream generating program BUTT (Broadcast Using This Tool). I keep getting an error saying "butt: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory." Sadly, the computer is simply wrong- not only does the file exist, it exists in multiple places, specifically:


So, either butt's too stupid to find this library, or something else is wrong, or Mark Shuttleworth really wants me to use Windows instead of linux.


You need the 32 bit compatible packages for Ubuntu. I just went through a similar set of problems while dealing with the pipelight-plugin on Slackware64 so access to pages using Silverlight via wine was possible (think of Netflix). I know Ubuntu had a Netflix setup available. Almost sadly I have to note that pipelight will also allow use of later versions of Windows flash in Mozilla browsers (as well as Chrome/chromium until later in 2014) so that DRM can dealt with in Linux.
Sent from my Android phone with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.
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