Rich Freeman on 20 Dec 2015 16:51:35 -0800

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Re: [PLUG] My biggest fan

On Sun, Dec 20, 2015 at 6:49 PM, Steve Litt <> wrote:
> When you reflash, you run a not insignificant risk of bricking your
> mobo, which, for practical purposes, often means you're cheaper
> off replacing the RAM and CPU too. It's much safer if you're on a UPS,
> but still, do one thing wrong, and you're bricked.

Well, I'm sure HP doesn't fall into this category, but I think most of
the decent motherboards these days have backup firmware, the ability
to flash directly from a USB drive with a file on it, and so on.  They
typically validate the signature before flashing anything as well.
So, the risks should be a lot lower than they used to be.

But, name-brand stuff tends not to have as many of the
enthusiast-oriented features, so your mileage may vary.
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