brent timothy saner on 17 May 2018 19:41:56 -0700

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Re: [PLUG] Heads-up, PGP/GPG users: critical security flaw, disable it in email clients NOW

On 05/17/2018 09:54 PM, Thomas Delrue wrote:
> (SNIP)
> I find the mentality of blindly following "that's what people want and
> we should therefore give it to them" increasingly annoying and, frankly,
> ignorant and unproductive; especially if we (as an industry or craft)
> then continue to get hammered and blamed for doing exactly that,
> delivering them the insecure products or processes/methods they asked
> for and for which we now get blamed in return.
> (SNIP)

i'd just like to point out this is exactly what's gotten our industry in
trouble with IoT devices, leading to the largest DDoS to date.

companies need to make money, i'll grant that just fine. so-called
"smart" devices sell big and are demanded by the consumers. security is
generally a hindrance to users (look at windows' forced updates and the
amount of heat as a result). thus, insecure devices are pushed to market
to stay competitive and then they get comped. hype from tech rags only
exacerbates this.

woe is our industry, for we are our own demise.

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