Ron Mansolino via plug on 17 Mar 2021 13:30:38 -0700

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[PLUG] Web Ass Pfirewall

I have a vps that I don't do too much with, essentially a dev server.

Because it sits out on the net it logs an unwieldy number of  intrusion attempts and nosey infogathering requests.

I've been manually filtering these with iptables, but that isn't scaling well (and it's impossible to block cloud services that continually allocate new netblocks). I'd like to block all of AWS, GCP, etc, but it's like playing whack-a-mole. I could use some suggestions for a WAF that I won't eventually have to pay for.

also, did the posting rules change here? I don't check here often, and things aren't working as I expect them to.
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