jeffv via plug on 5 Jan 2023 06:55:04 -0800

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[PLUG] sys76 final (?)

The laptop gods smiled upon me, with the return of mine from repair. It happened in a reasonable amount of time after I approved the charge (lets call it half the price of the laptop - AAAAAAAH). Their customer service is always very good. This event sours me on Sys76. The unit lives in a 20' line from home office to couch. How does this happen?

A hinge broke, taking out the display. As a result, the display and all the plastic parts had to be replaced. It arrived in as-new condition. The real shocker is that after I put back the hard drives, it worked just fine. This kind of thing doesn't happen to me. Ok, the audio isn't working, but that's Ubuntu. And as I type this, the keyboard stopped functioning and required a reboot (worked fine yesterday). The universe has a strange sense of humor. It is great to go back to a 17 from a 13.

Now I need to start thinking about a reliable 17" (used) backup unit. Everybody says Thinkpad is highly compatible. While I'm researching, does anybody have any suggestions? No Celerons or Chromebooks :)

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