The Berkeley Tech Fair is a free event and no registration is required. You will have the opportunity to:
• Interact with local organizations and explore technology learning tools.
• Learn about and sign up for $10/month Internet options.
• Receive a free refurbished desktop computer. Households receiving HUD housing assistance, CalFresh, SSI, or free/reduced lunch will receive a free refurbished desktop computer. (No Documentation is requested or needed)
This program is a collaboration between The Berkeley Public Library, Tech Exchange, and the City of Berkeley.
The direct Berkeley Public Library event link is
The direct link for the Tech Exchange is
Again, Berkeley Tech Fair participants can receive a free refurbished desktop computer. Households receiving HUD housing assistance, CalFresh, SSI, or free/reduced lunch will receive a free refurbished desktop computer.
While the vast majority of those reading this (95%+) have at least one computer, please feel free to pass along this notice to those you know who DON'T yet have a computer at all. After the people who need have finally acquired a desktop computer, then perhaps these selfsame people can be encouraged to install and use a Linux distro on them! :-)