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Re: Printing as an example: has embrace and extend accomplished it's objectives?

Quoting Alan (lngndvs@gmail.com):

> This is off the topic of group dynamics, but something I would like to 
> ask/throw out/mention.  I am personally concerned that "Open Printing" on 
> the Linux Foundation infrastructure has apparently fallen off the end of 
> the world.

It's pretty terrible, yes.  You're correct about that, IMO.

[big snip]

> Am I missing something?  

Your post was -- please forgive me being blunt so as to save time --
quite unfocussed, so your question cannot be answered as posed.

Part of your narrative concerned the failings of Linux Foundation.  
In my view, Linux Foundation ever since immediately after its founding
has been a corporate-lackey group only interested in its own benefit and 
totally unconcerned with the benefit of Linux and open source.  And I am
hardly alone in that perception.


What Linux Foundation did to Grant Taylor's fabulous site
LinuxPrinting.org after taking it over from him, and converting it to
the relatively terrible sub-site "openprinting' was particularly

As to many of the other things you write, your point is unclear.  Yes,
Easy Software Product, the corporate shell used by Michael R. Sweet, the
inventor of CUPS, sold his equity and corporate assets (such as they
were) including copyrights in 2007 to Apple, Inc., when they hired him
Yes, and?  Your point is?

In my experience, for decades, the best place to go with printing
problems has been the primary support forum for your Linux distribution,
irrespective of which Linux distribution that is.  General
non-distro-specific forums such as LUG mailing lists can also do the

Also, frankly in my view, many Linux software problems including
printing ones are best solved by careful and clueful use of search
engines, which I often call the 'key skill of the 21st Century'.

By the way, if you're saying that your particular (unspecified) printing
problem is trivially solvable on OS X, then kindly examine the OS X
configuration that does well.  Whatever that is, it'll be equally
possible on any other CUPS installation.  You might, e.g., need a
specific print filter set you haven't bothered to install, or you might
be missing some maddening proprietary junk like an HPLIP proprietary

Since you didn't bother to say Word One about the nature of your
technical problem, except that you use the CUPS print engine on Linux
and it's some sort of printing problem, it's not possible to assist you
otherwise at this time.

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