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Why wait? Browse the archives! ... DKIM 8-O ... Re: Digest for berkeleylug@googlegroups.com - 1 update in 1 topic

Yes, digest mode will generally delay the receipt of list posting(s).

However, many lists - and including BerkelyLUG's, are publicly archived.
So, sure you won't get that email right away ... but if you can anticipate
it ...
Date: Sat, 9 May 2020 13:37:25 -0700
Subject: Virtual meeting tomorrow!
Check your email around 11am tomorrow to get the room name

And we have:
Date: Sun, 10 May 2020 10:56:50 -0700
Subject: Meeting live now.
You are invited to join a meeting.
Join the meeting:

And, getting there ... if one forgets ...
LIST / FORUM https://berkeleylug.com/googlegroup/
https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/berkeleylug - if it's hassling
you to login or any silliness/annoyance like that, maybe try
browser in "Private Window", "Private Browsing" or "incognito"
mode or the like ... or on a way that one doesn't present a bunch of
cookies first (e.g. clear 'em all out).
Once there, pretty easy to browse the postings ... even search 'em.

Same general technique will work with most any publicly archived list.
But note also, depending on the list software, sometimes it takes a
wee bit for postings to show up in the archives (but for most it's
pretty fast ... like within minutes or so).

Even if one isn't subscribed in digest mode, same technique can sometimes
just be handier/faster way than checking email (e.g. if one has
browser on "smart" phone, but doesn't have email on or set up
there, or the email just isn't as quickly and easily accessible).

Oh, and DKIM (recently also discussed else-list, in context of
list software).  Looks like Google Groups (the "list" BerkeleyLUG
is using), does munging of headers, around DKIM, not unlike what
mailman does.  So, yeah, sending from a domain such as @yahoo.com
that doesn't play well with lists - lists that can and know how (and
may be configured to do so), do more header munging to work-around
some of DKIMs many problems.  So, yes, email, from Chris Peeples ...,
but no where does the originator's email address show in any of the
more standard from/sender/reply-to related headers.
It's to be found only in some X- headers, and some ARC- and Received-

Hmmm... maybe I'll peek again at some point and see how that compares
to the mailman munging around DKIM (at least for versions capable and
so configured).

But Google groups may also do some header munging beyond what's needed
"just" for working around some of the DKIM goop.

From: "'Christian Peeples' via BerkeleyLUG" <berkeleylug@googlegroups.com>
Subject: Re: Digest for berkeleylug@googlegroups.com - 1 update in 1 topic
Date: Mon, 11 May 2020 03:15:57 +0000 (UTC)

     Thanks.  I really like Jitsi and having been using it for all my video conferencing.  Unfortunately, I get my Berkeleylug posts in digest form, so did not get the link.  When I try to go to the google group, it does not recognize my e-mail, so will not let me in, thus I could not attend the meeting.

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To view this discussion on the web visit https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/berkeleylug/20200510215223.11807hnomwvgns4k%40webmail.rawbw.com.