For ease/aid in "branding" / naming / identification, etc.,
it might be best if we agree upon a common way of naming/identifying.
So, we do have available (even if it's not been pressed into use yet)
subdomain - that can be pressed into use at most
any time - the DNS infrastructure, sudoers, etc. is pretty much all
there - just would need to add the host login account(s)
(actually just added a piberk utility/role account, but
individual account(s) would be added too) and add said account(s) to
already fully tested sudo capability - then said accounts can fully
manage DNS under existing DNS
infrastructure - both add/drop/change and/or any
subdomains (e.g. thereunder, either directly
using existing NS infrastructure, or even NS (and DS if
DNSSEC desired) delegating such. Hmmm, heck, Pi.BerkeleyLUG SIG could
even use such account(s) (notably piberk) to have crontab job(s) that
would revert to WordPress page when [www.] was
otherwise offline. Then Raspberry Pi based host & web server could
use ssh to update and change DNS to use itself as web server when it was
up and on-line, again leveraging such account(s).
So, there's that ... there's also relevant web page(s) (mostly
notwithstanding the above), and list(s).
Let's start with web page(s)(/site(s)).
It's good for (Linux) User Groups ([L]UGs) to have their own
web site - or at least web page - and/or list(s) ... though those aren't
absolute hard-and-fast requirements.
but we might want to create a page such as: or or or the like.
with pi.berkeleylug, e.g.
that could then also be (relatively) consistent with any DNS use
And why not instead:
? Because I don't think the ".com" part is all that
important as part of the "branding" and such. Besides, too,
if "Berkeley Pi" ever split off into its own totally separate
thing, it might prefer/choose a TLD that's not under com.
So ... I was thinking - and along with that - list(s) and Subject:
headers in lists. I think standardizing on "Berkeley Pi" is (/has been)
a good start - notably so long as is still using the same "list"
(Google Group) ... and at least thus far using same "list" is
probably better than not (has advantages, and I've heard no serious
objections to such thus far).
However, to be (more) consistent with web landing page(s),
potential DNS addition(s) (, etc.,
may be more advantageous to standardize on pi.berkeleylug[.com] ...
or use of pi.berkeleylug AND BerkeleyPi ... though, I'm thinking
perhaps the latter of using BOTH might be bit more confusing (and,
especially longer term) may "dilute" recognition/identification
more so than just using one single uniform common string,
namely pi.berkeleylug - and presuming WordPress also works with . in
page name ... well, let me test that out ...
Ah ...
well ... WordPress squashes the . to -, so we end up with:
However, if I use URL:
I get the same page/content, and WordPress doesn't redirect to:
So ... I could probably set up redirect so the canonical would be:
and accessing:
would redirect to:
Looks like the only place where I may not be able to make it:
instead of:
is the automagically created WordPress links to the pages, where
it links it to/as:
... but again, should still be able to set that up to redirect to:
So, the canonical could be:
Or could possibly, to avoid - vs. . issues totally there, instead use:
Anyway, curious what folks think/suggest/recommend.
I'm thinking perhaps best to use "Pi.BerkeleyLUG" throughout,
at least to the extent feasible - then that could be quite consistent
and recognizable, easy to filter on, would match to DNS (at least
portion thereof), etc.