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Measuring pointers/referrals to pi.berkeley.com ?

Is there a way or are there ways to possibly track and/or measure any or all pointers/referrals and redirects
*from* other links a.k.a. URLs *to* the canonical landing page of http[s]://[www.]pi.berkeleylug.com/ ??

See below the longer quote as well....

On Sunday, June 21, 2020 at 11:09:20 AM UTC-7, Michael Paoli wrote:
Pi.BerkeleyLUG is a Special Interest Group (SIG) of BerkeleyLUG.
And relevant redirects to canonical landing page (and with most of
them being case-insensitive on the matching):
http[s]://[www.]pi.berkeleylug.com/ (302 - excepting Pi SIG taking it
http[s]://[www.]berkeleylug.com/pi[[-.]berkeley[lug]][/] (301)
} --> https://BerkeleyLUG.com/Pi.BerkeleyLUG/
... even virtual meet URLs for the SIG could likewise
where/as feasible use URLs ending in /Pi.BerkeleyLUG[/]

But most notably at least "in the meantime" (and if it ever does fully split off - for
relevant pointers/referrals - notably since it (essentially?) started
within BerkeleyLUG), would be good to have some relevant location(s)
on BerkeleyLUG about or referring/pointing to "Berkeley Pi".
So, along those lines, I was thinking, already have the
https://berkeleylug.com/ web site, it would be good to create a page on
there for "Berkeley Pi".  I/we might have to poke at the existing
(WordPress) site a bit on naming conventions and such,
but we might want to create a page such as:
https://berkeleylug.com/BerkeleyPi or
https://berkeleylug.com/pi.berkeleylug or
https://berkeleylug.com/Pi or the like.
Not sure about case sensitivity (or not) on such with WordPress,
but some added web server redirects could ensure various possible
alternatives/variations all would get (presumably 301) redirected to
some suitable "Berkeley Pi" landing page, such as:
https://berkeleylug.com/BerkeleyPi or
we agreed upon something like that, and set up such a page,
then also, the relevant WordPress editors(+) (there are at least a few
or so of us thus far, we can always add more) could also maintain such
page.  That would also give "Berkeley Pi" a consistent canonical
web presence/page/URL to refer to, pass along to folks, etc.
Also, I might suggest "pi.berkeleylug" - or alternatively "BerkeleyPi"
over "Berkeley Pi".

Similarly, for Michael P and Rick M respectively, Is there a way or are there ways
to possibly track and/or measure any or all all pointers/referrals and redirects from
other URLs to https://www.balug.org and http://linuxmafia.com respectively??
E.g., http[s]://balug.net, http://linuxmafia.org, http://linuxmafia.net, ...etcetera?

> references/excerpts:
> nsupdate(1)
> https://www.balug.org/~piberk/bin/Nsupdate
> $ id; hostname; date -Iseconds
> uid=24567(piberk) gid=24567(piberk) groups=24567(piberk)
> 2020-06-21T14:24:54+00:00
>>>>> see also:
>>>>> http://linuxmafia.com/pipermail/conspire/2020-January/date.html 


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