Last meeting I was a bit distracted Trying to install Arch on a X230 Thinkpad.
For Arch you need to consult the official wiki because things are always changing
so a guide that you find on the web very likely is out of date.
For example a while ago Arch decided to separate the kernel from the usual
pacstrap packages. So if you followed a step by step guide you'ld have no
kernel. The wiki explains that a kernel is not needed if you are installing in a container.
Anyways I was following the wiki and now it suggests mounting the ESP on /efi.
Which messed me up as I planned to boot efistub. Efistub the uefi firmware loads up
the kernel directly so there is no extra bootloader. So having the esp on /efi won't get the
kernel which is written to /boot
That was easy enough. Reboot the ARch iso and edit the fstab then arch-chroot and
recreate kernel and initramfs.
Second problem was that I hadn't actually finished the install steps in the wiki. So I go
to boot up and I realize that I hadn't set a root password. So i'm booted up but can't
do anything! Boot the Arch iso and fix that.
Now I have gnome installed and gdm. I have to make it so that gdm starts. Some
systemd commands and also have networkmanager start.
Just a little more to do.