Friends More Competent Than I:
I am finally getting around to upgrading to 20.4, but I seem to be stuck on step one. I went to Ubuntu for instructions and read the instructions and watched the video. The first thing that one is to do is create a bootable USB stick. I got a couple of brand new 8 GB USB sticks from Frys. I opened Startup Disk Creator from the applications. It detected the USB stick I had inserted and asked if I wanted to erase it. I clicked on that. The program did its thing and opened the USB stick in "Files" as a blank disk. When I went back to "Make a Startup Disk," the selection of how much space to allocate to documents and settings was greyed out. More importantly, the box for "Make Startup Disk" was greyed out. I tried it several times with the same result. What am I doing wrong?
-- Chris Peeples --
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