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caching Debian packages (notably .deb files): Re: Virtual meetup this Sunday 2020-08-09; own mini-project

For doing multiple installs - or even reinstalling some of same
packages, can be much faster (and less load on Debian
servers and mirrors) to cache the relevant Debian files (most
notably .deb files).

Once-upon-a-time I saw an excellent bit on it on some Debian
posting/list ... looked for it, but wasn't able to find it
again ... may have been
Debian Project/Weekly News
... notably about some various tools Debian has for doing such
caching and/or sharing among Debian hosts, etc.

I've also got some of my own semi-manual/semi-automated methods.
At least in part typically involves:
o saving "cached" to /var/local/cache/
o deduplicating from the above what I have on ISOs
o using --print-uris with apt-get(8)
o using matched files from /var/local/cache/ and ISOs to pre-seed
o some of the "tools" (programs) I use on that:
  and of course stuff like ssh, scp, tar, ...
  Have a peek around:

From: goossbears <acohen36@gmail.com>
Subject: Virtual meetup this Sunday 2020-08-09; own mini-project
Date: Sun, 9 Aug 2020 08:09:55 -0700 (PDT)

On Saturday, August 8, 2020 at 2:22:17 AM UTC-7, trl wrote:


Thank you Aaron for getting the message out.

You are welcome... went ahead and assumed the reminder was
just delayed for one reason or another, but that the virtual
meetup later this morning would certainly be happening :-)

I'll be there.  Probably trying to get MythTV working in
Virtualbox.  I have a couple old drives from when I used to
run MythTv and I'm curious to see what I have on there.
So my plan: install Ubuntu 20.04?  and  an old version of mythTv
then try to import the database.

My own mini-project aim for today and this upcoming week is
to install an i686 (i.e., 32bit x86) Linux distro or distros that will
still be around and maintained (hopefully!) within the next
half-dozen years onto a pair of fairly low-end laptops.
Futhermore, and aside from possible rants from one or two
sysadmins reading this, would like to configure the i686 Linux
laptop installs so that they appear as close as possible similar
to the MS Windows 10 desktop environment (DE) that the
intended users of these low-RAM laptops prefer on their
higher-end 64bit desktop PCs, while also allowing for easy
desktop switching to the *non*-Windows-like,
low-RAM-requiring DE's that _I_ prefer using.
The top two contenders are....
- Debian Linux https://www.debian.org/  <https://www.debian.org/>(DE's:
- Slackware Linux http://www.slackware.com/ (DE's: XFCE, FluxboxWM)

Sorry Rick and others, for various reasons, the ultimately
Debian-derived lightweight distros Devuan
GNU+Linux https://devuan.org/ , Lubuntu https://lubuntu.me/ ,
Bodhi Linux https://www.bodhilinux.com/ and a few others
don't quite make the grade here :/

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