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Pi.BerkeleyLUG meeting, own mini-project on an RPi

Quoting tom r lopes<tomrlopes@gmail.com> from an earlier post:
Lately I have been using just one partition mounted on /

So typical for me is
EFI --> mounted at /boot/efi on Ubuntu's and /boot for Arch
(though the Arch wiki now suggests /efi but I like efistub) 
Then the rest --> /

Another more software-and-configure-type mini-project is to
re-configure an RPi's own Raspberry Pi OS (RPiOS) to appear
a bit more like Windows 10 (i.e., _without_ having to
install+use Windows 10 IoT Core, according to at least
https://www.windowslatest.com/2019/02/12/third-party-woa-installer-raspberry-pi-3/ )

Somewhat similar to Tom L's partitioning scheme above, the
default RPiOS partitioning on an RPi's SD card is usually ...
~42MB to <100MB --> /boot (FAT32)
rest of the card --> /
Even better for various reasons, IMO, are to re-partition
and re-format the SD card with at least the additional swap
and /home partitions, e.g., via the instructions at

The RPiOS primarily uses the /boot/config.txt file (or its
'raspi-config' frontend interface) to boot up, this as
opposed to a PC's [EFI]BIOS/GRUB options -- see
https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/configuration/ .
Additionally, and since the RPiOS doesn't use a multi-desktop
manager such as LightDM, it really shouldn't require as much
effort as the below to re-configure the RPiOS desktop to
obtain an acceptable Windows 10 appearance on an RPi for
for end-users who somehow much rather prefer that option :-)


On Mon, Aug 10, 2020 at 9:25 AM goossbears <acohen36@gmail.com> wrote:

    Well, was actually able to get quite far yesterday on the Debian
    installs and Windows10-like configuration on both 32bit laptops :-)
    To wit:
    - Installed all necessary apps (e.g., VLC, Chromium...) as well
    as created+activated a useful swap partition via a customized
    and sufficiently-sized partitioning scheme...
    /dev/sda1 ---> /<root>
    /dev/sda2 --->swap
    /dev/sda3 --->  /var
    /dev/sda4 ---> /home
    - Activated (i.e., set "Untrustworthy" to "Trustworthy")
    all desktop application shortcuts and renaming some of
    them, e.g., 'Evince' to 'PDF Reader' and 'Mousepad' to
    'WordPad' (hope that nobody's going to turn me in to
    the BSA or MS police for that :-O )
    - Changed desktop and icon themes to those more similar
    to a Windows 10 desktop.
    - Limited XFCE (and LXDE and LXQt) wallpapers and
    backgrounds to just downloaded ones most similar to
    the standard Windows 10 wallpapers+backgrounds that
    I've seen before on machines with that OS installed
    - Used GIMP and Inkscape respectively to convert
    one or two of the raster .jpeg background images to
    vectorized .svg files for changing the desktop manager
    LightDM's greeter background to a more Windows10
    -similar greeter background *
    * Note: contrary to the Debian wiki's instructions
    for changing the LightDM greeter background at
    I found that I actually had to edit the 01_debian.conf file
    in the /usr/share/lightdm/lightdm-gtk-greeter.conf.d
    directory to change the greeter background instead :-\
    - Made the desired edit according to
    to enable the single-user laptops to solely require
    that one user to enter their login password rather than
    also requiring them to fill out their username first.
    Sure, that could be a calculated security risk, but
    one carried out for the convenience of many of
    our typical Windows users :-|


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