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Re: Pi.BerkeleyLUG: Meeting this Sunday 15.10.2023 Now with Pi 5!!

Meeting this Sunday the 15th from 11 am to 2pm or so
In person at Sudoroom   4799 Shattuck, Oakland, CA 94609
Virtually at meet.jit.si/Pi.BerkeleyLUG 

Directly pertaining to the Pi.BerkeleyLUG's Jit.si Meet login authentication requirements 
as detailed in Rick M's posting 'meet.jit.si change (re: initial room creation)' at
http://linuxmafia.com/pipermail/sf-lug/2023q3/015885.html , you(Thomas) or another
Pi.BerkeleyLUG meeting participant will likely have to authenticate the Jit.si Meet instance
"using a Google Account _or_ a Facebook account _or_ a GitHub account"
near the time the scheduled virtual meeting begins.

Am considering remotely joining the meet.jit.si/Pi.BerkeleyLUG virtual meeting around
12Noon or so that day with my own non-demo, non-hardware-based RPi installation
and configuration, and am able to carry out the Jit.si Meet login authentication then,
assuming Thomas or another Pi.BerkeleyLUG meeting participant hasn't done so already :-)

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