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[philly-lambda] Re: Projects people are working on...
- From: "Andrew Gwozdziewycz" <apgwoz@gmail.com>
- To: philly-lambda@googlegroups.com
- Subject: [philly-lambda] Re: Projects people are working on...
- Date: Thu, 12 Jul 2007 09:13:37 -0400
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I know Ed Watkeys is using his very own Magic framework, written in
Scheme, for some web apps he's writing/written:
I am aware of magic, and though I haven't actually tried it out, it
seems pretty neat. I've been playing around with creating my own basic
framework for developing web apps. I've become a fan of Gauche Scheme,
mostly because it can just about eliminate my need for Python. Don't
get me wrong, Python is a great language, but I've become much more
interested in Scheme as of late. I've yet to realize just how powerful
it actually is, but I'm starting to get there. Gauche has a lot of
great builtin stuff, but of course since it's Scheme it does suffer
from the incompabilities and inconsistencies between implementations,
something that hopefully R6RS will start to solve (standard packages).
Anyway, the point of my tangent was that though Magic looks cool, it
might not be generalized enough for the general Scheme community just
yet, and it's the reason I haven't tried using it. I guess it'd be
possible to port it to Gauche, but... we'll see where my stuff takes
Andrew Gwozdziewycz
http://www.apgwoz.com | http://www.photub.com