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Re: good example of macros?
- From: "Kyle R. Burton" <kyle.burton@gmail.com>
- To: philly-lambda@googlegroups.com
- Subject: Re: good example of macros?
- Date: Mon, 4 Feb 2008 21:48:09 -0500
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> > I want to make sure I cover things that the group will find useful
> > (beyond "here's where to download lisp").
> Great idea.
> One set of macros that has always interested me was the automata
> example in this paper:
> http://www.cs.brown.edu/~sk/Publications/Papers/Published/sk-automata-macros/paper.pdf
> by Shriram Krishnamurthi.
> It really shows the power of what can be done. cut, while a great
> macro and a way to save some keystrokes really doesn't do macros
> justice.
I'm going to read that and see if I can 'get it' enough to include
it...so cut/rcut/kcut just 'save keystrokes'? -- would you want to see
a control construct like random-if or rcond?:
(I used those at one point in some example ga code I was playing with)
That paper starts out with the assertion that most examples are so
simple that most people think 'eh, so what', but the complex ones are
so complex as to not be easily comprehensible - which is exactly my
experience...thanks for forwarding it.