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Re: good example of macros?
- From: "Kyle R. Burton" <kyle.burton@gmail.com>
- To: philly-lambda@googlegroups.com
- Subject: Re: good example of macros?
- Date: Mon, 4 Feb 2008 22:30:48 -0500
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> > One set of macros that has always interested me was the automata
> > example in this paper:
> > http://www.cs.brown.edu/~sk/Publications/Papers/Published/sk-automata-macros/paper.pdf
> > by Shriram Krishnamurthi.
> >
> > It really shows the power of what can be done. cut, while a great
> > macro and a way to save some keystrokes really doesn't do macros
> > justice.
What that paper shows is a great example of macros - though, I wonder
how well it'd fit (time wise) into the introduction to lisp
presentation - perhaps into a presentation on more intermediate or
advanced topics (like macros)? Also, do you have any references for
define-syntax, syntax-rules, and let-syntax? The best one I'd found
so far is JRM's syntax-rules primer:
Are there any others that you can recommend? I can be prepared to
talk through that paper -- if that is what the group wants, I think I
know enough about define-syntax syntax-rules that I can lead you
through what it means, what the various expansions look like and the
basics of how it works. define-syntax / syntax-rules are in many ways
amazing compared to defmacro. Not that they're not isomorphic, but
syntax-rules' pattern matching and auto-hygene are great features.