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- From: "Jonathan Tran" <jonnytran@gmail.com>
- To: philly-lambda@googlegroups.com
- Subject: Re: OCaml likes/dislikes
- Date: Tue, 17 Jun 2008 11:24:57 -0400
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Here is a simple SML vs. OCaml syntax comparison.
Anyone interested in a more detailed (hardcore) comparison.
In general, SML is simpler and more pure. OCaml more practical.
Reminiscent of Scheme vs. Common Lisp respectively.
No need to be making weather simulations though. :-) (My 2 cents)
On Tue, Jun 17, 2008 at 9:49 AM, Josh Goldstein <oopjosh@yahoo.com> wrote:
> I had an 'advanced' class using SML, so you could say I have some
> experience. Before tht I had mostly used Scheme, Java and C. I found the
> type system pretty neat! So, I looked at OCaml once and it seemed to do
> almost the exact same stuff, but with a slightly messier syntax. IIRC, it's
> supposed to be better for more computationally intensive things because it
> has faster/more compact 2D arrays. I had found a nice page at one point
> comparing SML and OCaml, listing how you do everything in each language
> side-by-side with how you do it in the other language, and the OCaml syntax
> was always worse. They seemed close enough that if you loved the type
> system, pattern matching, etc. in SML you'd get used to OCaml super fast
> anyway. But I figured why bother with OCaml since I'm not writing anything
> like weather/NASA simulations anyway.
> Just my 2 cents :)