Abel Getachew on 22 Nov 2009 20:18:54 -0800

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Re: Phibonacci

"word up and that is what's up!" i am digging the word play in "phibonacci" --:)  

On Sun, Nov 22, 2009 at 9:05 PM, Christopher Chau <christopher.chau@gmail.com> wrote:
I am interested. Word up.
----- Original Message -----
From: John Claus
Sent: Sunday, November 22, 2009 11:35 AM
Subject: Phibonacci

Hey everyone,

Over the past year I realized that I've managed to forget nearly all advanced (and some basic) levels of math I picked up in college.  In the process of relearning these forgotten gems, it only seemed logical that there are other people in the area who share in my interests.  In a potentially futile attempt, I created "Phibonacci" (the name CLEARLY isn't set in stone) on Google Groups in an attempt to gather like minded folk:



Ultimately, it'd be cool if we could devote certain meetings to given areas of "basic" mathematics (dependent on group comfort level), collectively work through problems and gradually advance as a group.  Again, I don't want to mandate the group's purpose, I've just found from personal experience that it helps working through problems with another person.  If someone has an expertise in a certain area, maybe they could head up a meeting on that topic and cover any individual questions.

If anyone is interested, please don't hesitate to shoot out some ideas/rants/raves.  Also, if you know of anyone who would be interested not on the Lambda list, feel free to forward this along.

Take it easy,

  • References:
    • Phibonacci
      • From: John Claus <johnclaus@gmail.com>
    • Re: Phibonacci
      • From: "Christopher Chau" <christopher.chau@gmail.com>