On Nov 29, 5:50 pm, Angel <
delag...@gmail.com> wrote:
> One note, on aaron's suggestion, as well as based on the interest
> shown at other talks , I'll be cutting out some of the more intro
> material in favor for a look under the hood of couch, as well as a
> practical distributed deployment scenario.
> -Angel
> On Nov 26, 10:30 pm, Aaron Feng <
aaron.f...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > For those who didn't get a chance to catch Angel Pizarro's CouchDB
> > presentation at Bar Camp or
ALT.NET, he will be doing it again for us.
> > Once again, I started a doodle page for the meeting, so please select
> > any days that you can make it. In about a week or so I'll pick the
> > *most* popular date for the presentation. Also please use your real
> > name so I can add you to the building's access list.
> > Doodle participate page:
> >
> > The presentation will be hosted at the usual place, Algorithmics, 2929
> > Arch St, Philadelphia.
> > Here's the description for the presentation:
> > CouchDB: No SQL? No Driver? No problem
> > CouchDB is representative of a set of document-oriented database that
> > have come to the fore of the collective geek consciousness. At it's
> > heart it is a key-value store, but it can query into (and index)
> > specific properties of the documents for fast performance. What makes
> > CouchDB unique is it's MVCC transactional model and emphasis on using
> > HTTP communication as the connection mechanism. In this talk we'll
> > cover usage of CouchDB with a simple example, as well as look at when
> > (and when not) such a database makes sense to use in favor of
> > traditional relational databases.
> > Thanks,
> > Aaron