Sean Devlin on 5 Feb 2010 11:41:28 -0800

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Re: Game of life

Very cool example you gave.  I'd make some changes to the way you
implemented the game to make it more functional & idiomatic Clojure

* Use a vector of vectors stored in an agent for env, not a 2D java
array.  This is a little slower, but mutating arrays in place is not a
good example for beginning Clojure.  I'll refer to this vector of
vectors as a "board"

* The run fn should take a board in, and return a board one step
later.  This fits in with Clojure's built in stuff better (see below)

* Trim down alive & dead cell rules, and use get w/ a default.  i.e.

user=>(defn dead-rule [neigh]
  (get {3 resurrect-cell} neigh kill-cell))

user=>(defn alive-rule [neigh]
  (get {2 resurrect-cell
        3 resurrect-cell}
        neigh kill-cell))

There might even be more to trim.

* use iterate with run to create a lazy seq, or send w/ and agent

user=>(iterate step board-start)
user=>(send step board-agent)

* decouple the printing from the run fn.  Using an agent will really
help with this, and make it easier to graft some Swing/SWT/whatever on

I'll put my money where my mouth is and code up my implementation when
I have time.  We'll see how much snow we get this weekend.


On Feb 5, 2:02 pm, Aaron Feng <> wrote:
> Sebastian mentioned in the previous thread about code retreat.  Here's
> my implementation in Clojure:
> I think it's a pretty interesting implementation.  Feedback are welcomed.
> Aaron

  • References: