Nik Kolev on 27 Aug 2010 09:44:56 -0700

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Re: Clojure Lunch Club

+1 for gryphon

Sent from my iPhone

On Aug 27, 2010, at 9:45 AM, "Kyle R. Burton" <> wrote:

I'm thinking of the following options:

1. I can call the Gryphon Cafe and see if we can use the upstairs room.

This would probably be pretty private, they have coffee, and supposedly have a full lunch menu.  Parking is probably fine if we get there before 12 (lots of parking on Wayne Ave), close to the Wayne stop on the R5.

2. The food court at the KoP Mall, near Sears.

This has more choices for food and coffee, but may be more convenient for others.

Any other venue ideas?

Also, I'm pleasantly surprised at the response, I only expected a handful of people!


On Thu, Aug 26, 2010 at 11:21 AM, J Summers <> wrote:
Where is the  8/30 meeting being held?

On Aug 26, 2010, at 11:14 AM, Kyle R. Burton wrote:

This sounds like a great idea. While we do not currently use Clojure, it is definitely something we are interested in. Unfortunately, getting out to the suburbs, especially mid-day, is close to impossible for me and certainly for this upcoming Monday, I could not make it. However, if you are taking suggestions on topics[1], I would be *highly motivated* to get out there if the discussions focused on:

Since I'm in the burbs it's convenient for me - we could organize something for downtown - but as you have trouble getting out here in a reasonable time, I have trouble getting down there in a reasonable time...we'll work something out - perhaps we'll do one in september and I'll just work from Philly for a day....
1. Clojure and concurrency in depth (i.e. more that just, "immutable data makes for safer/easier concurrent programs")
2. Incanter (i.e. "Incanter for SciPy users" or "Incanter for MATLAB users" type of discussion)
3. Clojure on "deeply embedded systems" (i.e. no operating system, JVM right on the silicon running Clojure)

I dont' know that I can talk to all of these, but I'd love to hear discussion about them as well.  I know from the mailing list that some people have clojure running (or are close to having it running) on android.  Not sure about other embedded systems though.  I've used incanter once, but would love to learn more about it...same goes for the concurrency features.

I personally have found that the immutability, by default / encouraged, has made for a lot less issues and worries about code that I write in a great discussion topic.
I'm sure there are other topics that I would be interested in, but, in the short-term, getting more insight into the above three from some real-world Clojure users could definitely kick me in the butt hard enough to get out to the burbs and tolerate some "stalwart lispers waxing pathetic about how superior their s-exprs are over club sandwiches." ;-)

BTW, thanks for being a driving force in getting the Philly Tech community together (on various fronts) ... its much appreciated.
I want to meet interesting people, my only choice is to organize some stuff or I wont' get to meet them.  Just trying to make the kind of environment I want to live in :)

Thanks though, I recognize that organizing is mostly a thankless task - look at Aaron and all that he does - so I do appreciate that you appreciate it :)


Best Regards,


Twitter: @kyleburton

J Summers

Twitter: @kyleburton