Alan D. Salewski on 27 Aug 2010 20:52:56 -0700

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Re: Clojure Lunch Club

Hey Kyle,

On Fri, Aug 27, 2010 at 02:17:49PM -0400, Kyle R. Burton spake thus:
> To keep the coordination of this and future lunches from polluting

(As you know) I was born and raised in Jersey, so maybe my pollution
detector is gunked-up^Wunder-sensitized, but from where I'm sitting, I
don't see or smell any pollution.

> the
> philly lambda list, I just created:
> If you're interested in attending grabbing lunch once in a while out in the
> burbs, please join!

I am! (though I can't make this upcoming one) And I did (but please keep

> I'll move further discussion there.

Unless other folks here disagree strongly, please keep this type of
thing on philly-lambda. We're not so overwhelmed with volume here, and
I'd hate to see further fracturing of the community.

Even for folks that don't live or work in the 'burbs (like me), it's
nice to know what's going on locally[0].

As far as I'm concerned, most things related to clojure (technical or
social) are on-topic here, and since the 'clojure' google list[1] is the
official home of non impl. clojure discussion, that leaves this list for
local clojure-related socializing[2].

I tend to think of this list as the home of Philly-area functional
programming interest and related social gathering info; I imagine I'm
not the only one. Unless we really start to get overwhelmed by messages
pertinent to some niche interest, I say keep it all here.

Like others have voiced, thanks for assuming organizational roles (here
and elsewhere); your entusiasm is contagious.


[0] for an extended definition of "locally"


[2] and otherwise cool forward-thinking-stuff related socializing, of

a l a n   d.   s a l e w s k i            
                      "Purple Rain" was cool.
                  She had an affair with Prince.
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