On Mon, Nov 22, 2010 at 16:59, Toby DiPasquale <
toby@cbcg.net> wrote:
> I'm so in!
> On Mon, Nov 22, 2010 at 4:53 PM, Aaron Feng <
aaron.feng@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I've been in contact with Richard Minerich, one of the authors of
>> Professional F#, about coming to Philly to do an F# training /
>> presentation. I thought it would be interesting for him to run a
>> similar, but _different_, tutorial that he ran at CUFP
>> (
http://cufp.org/conference/sessions/2010/f-20-day-beach) for us.
>> Basically Richard wrote an ants simulation game to teach people about
>> F#. You can tweak the behavior of the game using DSL he has written
>> or tweak the AI in F# to get better results. The contestants battle
>> each other in the end! Richard's blog has more concrete details about
>> the tutorial:
>> As many of you already know F# is currently an official open source
>> project under the Apache 2.0 license and can run under Mono. This
>> tutorial will _NOT_ require a Windows machine. Please bring your Mac
>> or Linux box if you prefer. I will help Richard to make this happen
>> to ensure everyone has a great experience.
>> This will likely happen early next year on a Saturday. The whole
>> tutorial should run between 4 -6 hours. Since Richard will be
>> traveling to Philly and there are a lot of logistics I need to figure
>> out, I need to know ahead of time how many people are interested in
>> this.
>> This tutorial doesn't assume you know anything about F#. In fact, you
>> can still play the game via the DSL.
>> For those you are interested in learning about FP this is a great
>> chance to learn it the fun way.
>> Aaron
>> Pro F# 2.0
> --
> Toby DiPasquale
> "The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little
> they really know about what they imagine they can design." -- F.A.
> Hayek