Ben Karel on 27 Oct 2011 13:34:44 -0700

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Re: Functional Fall Nov. 2 Meeting: A Tutorial Introduction to the Lambda Calculus

For anyone looking for more meat on the lambda calculus (and also the pi calculus, for the more ambitious), here's an overview by Benjamin Pierce:

It overlaps significantly with what Rojas covers, but Pierce covers a bit more. I definitely find that when learning new material, two sources are better than one!

-- Ben

On Fri, Oct 21, 2011 at 4:53 PM, Lalish-Menagh, Trevor <> wrote:
Hi all,

The last Functional Fall ( meeting on
"Continuations, functions, and jumps" (notes at
went really well! Thanks to everyone that was part of the

Our next meeting will be on Nov. 2nd at 6:30pm at the Comcast Center.
Our paper is going to be "A Tutorial Introduction to the Lambda
Calculus" ( We
are going back to basics to get our math on. I hope you can make it!

As always CIM ( will be sponsoring food and soda!

Remember to RSVP at

See you there!

Trevor Lalish-Menagh
trevmex (AIM)