He implements a few monads in python, including continuation monad. It will take me significant study to understand this code - maybe you guys would be interested in picking this apart at a future meetup - but here's the author's conclusion:
my question is, can you implement continuation-monad with "un-elegant" syntax with *only* closures, skipping the generators? I think maybe you can, because 1) haskell's do-notation is just syntactic sugar over the closures, and 2) you can at least implement one common generator pattern - lazy seqs - in python without generators[2], which got me wondering if you can implement a generalized generator using just lambdas, and now my head is spinning and i'm saying stupid things like "i think you might be able to implement call/cc with only closures" but that implies that we can do things like turn third party blocking code into cooperative code per gevent[3] which is absurd, that's a ridiculous statement. I'm not even making sense anymore, so I'm going to stop writing and click "send" now :)