Michael Bevilacqua-Linn on 8 Jul 2012 14:54:19 -0700

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July 17th, 6:30 - Aaron Mansheim - Continuations: Primitive, Practical, Proof

Hey folks,

This month's meeting will be on July 17th, 6:30 at the Comcast center.  

RSVP at the doodle poll here - http://www.doodle.com/7rn37rixc8fitysb

Aaron Mansheim will be presenting 'Continuations: Primitive, Practical, Proof'.
Abstract as follows.

All levels welcome - we'll reserve half our time for questions. This
talk aims to prepare you for these online tutorials:
matt.might.net/articles and www.cis.upenn.edu/~bcpierce/sf/

We'll examine an interpreter for a primitive functional programming
language (untyped lambda calculus). The interpreter is written in a
practical functional programming language (Scala).

Then we'll introduce continuations. We'll use continuations in place of
any loops, recursion, or exception handling in order to re-implement a
part of the interpreter in a functional programming language similar to
ML (Coq).

Coq facilitates writing proofs about programs. We'll demonstrate using
Coq to prove that the recursive implementation and the continuations
implementation produce the same results.
