Lalish-Menagh, Trevor on 11 Feb 2013 06:01:09 -0800

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Fourth A.I. Winter Event: "Learning Quickly When Irrelevant Attributes Abound: A New Linear-threshold Algorithm" (02/21/2013 6:30PM)

Hi all,

The fourth A.I. Winter event will be held at 02/21/2013 at 6:30pm at the Comcast Center in Center City Philly. We had a great turnout for the last paper and some great discussion. I am really looking forward to this one, where we will explore the world of on-line learning (which might not be what you think it is!).

We will be studying the paper "Learning Quickly When Irrelevant Attributes Abound: A New Linear-threshold Algorithm" by Nick Littlestone ( This is one of the papers that started the field of on-line learning. In this learning setting, a learner receives a sequence of examples, making predictions after each one, and receiving feedback after each prediction. Research in this area is remarkable because (1) the algorithms and proofs tend to be very simple and beautiful, and (2) the model makes no statistical assumptions about the data. In other words, the data need not be random (as in nearly all other learning models), but can be chosen arbitrarily by "nature" or even an adversary. Specifically, this paper introduced the winnow algorithm.
Please read the paper beforehand, and come with questions. Remember, you don't have to understand the entire paper to participate. This event is all about communal learning.

Our event will be on the 45th floor of the the Comcast Center. Comcast Interactive Media will be covering pizza and soda for the event.

We'll have beer afterwards at Nodding Head. See you there!

Please RSVP at Doodle (

The Punchcard link is

Notes from the last session on An Inductive Inference Machine will be up soon at Thanks to Kinan Faham for taking them!

See you there,
Trevor Lalish-Menagh
@trevmex on twitter

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