Alex Miller on 21 Feb 2013 20:50:20 -0800

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ANN: Lambda Jam - July 8-10 - Chicago

Lambda Jam ( is a new conference for commercial functional programmers, specifically languages like Erlang, Clojure, Scala, Haskell, F#, etc. Lambda Jam will take place in Chicago July 8-10 and will feature a new format: sessions in the morning, workshops and "jams" in the afternoon, closing with a keynote. This is a *hands-on* learning conference! 

Key items:
* Call for Presentations closes March 29th - (travel and hotel is covered, see CFP for details). Please send us your talks!
* Program (as it develops) -
* Sponsorship Prospectus available now - - this is a great way to get your company name in front of 300+ functional programmers!

I am really excited to announce our keynote speakers for Lambda Jam:
* Gerald Sussman - professor at MIT, co-author of Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs, and co-inventor of Scheme 
* Joe Armstrong - inventor of Erlang
* David Nolen - developer at the New York Times, creator of core.logic port of miniKanren to Clojure, and ClojureScript developer

Registration is not open yet but will be coming soon (probably about $400). If you're interested in tracking developments:
* Track on Lanyrd -
* Join the mailing list -

Hope you can make it!
- Alex Miller (@puredanger)

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